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/ Dictionary for Children / Macmillan Dictionary for Children Version 1.0 (Simon and Schuster Interactive)(Version 1.0)(1994).ISO / Dictionary / BEG-H.IDX < prev    next >
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  1. h, H                                   0  
  2. H-bomb                               271  
  3. H.I.                                 481  
  4. ha                                     1  
  5. habit                                  3  
  6. habitat                                5  
  7. habitual                               7  
  8. hacienda                               9  
  9. hack                                  11  
  10. had                                   13  
  11. hadnít                                15  
  12. haiku                                 16  
  13. hail≤                                 20  
  14. hailπ                                 18  
  15. hair                                  23  
  16. haircut                               25  
  17. hairdo                                27  
  18. hairy                                 28  
  19. Haiti                                 29  
  20. half                                  30  
  21. half brother                          33  
  22. half sister                           38  
  23. half-mast                             36  
  24. halfhearted                           34  
  25. halfway                               39  
  26. halibut                               42  
  27. hall                                  45  
  28. Halloween                             48  
  29. hallway                               51  
  30. halo                                  52  
  31. halt                                  54  
  32. halter                                56  
  33. halve                                 58  
  34. halves                                60  
  35. ham                                   62  
  36. hamburger                             64  
  37. hammer                                67  
  38. hammock                               71  
  39. hamper≤                               75  
  40. hamperπ                               73  
  41. hamster                               77  
  42. hand                                  79  
  43. handbag                               87  
  44. handball                              89  
  45. handbook                              91  
  46. handcuff                              93  
  47. handful                               95  
  48. handicap                              97  
  49. handicapped                          100  
  50. handicraft                           102  
  51. handkerchief                         104  
  52. handle                               106  
  53. handlebars                           109  
  54. handmade                             111  
  55. handout                              112  
  56. handrail                             114  
  57. handshake                            116  
  58. handsome                             118  
  59. handspring                           120  
  60. handwriting                          122  
  61. handy                                124  
  62. hang                                 126  
  63. hang glider                          135  
  64. hangar                               131  
  65. hanger                               133  
  66. hangnail                             137  
  67. Hanukkah                             138  
  68. haphazard                            140  
  69. happen                               142  
  70. happening                            145  
  71. happily                              147  
  72. happiness                            149  
  73. happy                                150  
  74. happy-go-lucky                       152  
  75. harass                               154  
  76. harbor                               156  
  77. hard                                 158  
  78. hard copy                            164  
  79. hard-boiled                          163  
  80. harden                               165  
  81. hardly                               167  
  82. hardship                             169  
  83. hardware                             171  
  84. hardwood                             173  
  85. hardy                                175  
  86. hare                                 177  
  87. harm                                 179  
  88. harmful                              182  
  89. harmless                             183  
  90. harmonica                            185  
  91. harmonize                            187  
  92. harmony                              189  
  93. harness                              192  
  94. harp                                 194  
  95. harpoon                              196  
  96. harpsichord                          198  
  97. harrow                               200  
  98. harsh                                203  
  99. harvest                              205  
  100. harvester                            207  
  101. has                                  208  
  102. hash                                 210  
  103. hasnít                               212  
  104. haste                                213  
  105. hasten                               214  
  106. hasty                                216  
  107. hat                                  218  
  108. hatchery                             223  
  109. hatchet                              224  
  110. hatch≤                               221  
  111. hatchπ                               219  
  112. hate                                 225  
  113. hatred                               227  
  114. haughty                              229  
  115. haul                                 231  
  116. haunch                               234  
  117. haunt                                236  
  118. have                                 238  
  119. haven                                244  
  120. havenít                              246  
  121. Hawaii                               247  
  122. hawk≤                                251  
  123. hawkπ                                249  
  124. hawthorn                             252  
  125. hay                                  254  
  126. hay fever                            256  
  127. hayloft                              258  
  128. haystack                             259  
  129. hazard                               260  
  130. hazardous                            262  
  131. hazardous waste                      264  
  132. haze                                 266  
  133. hazel                                267  
  134. hazy                                 269  
  135. he                                   273  
  136. head                                 275  
  137. head start                           305  
  138. head-on                              297  
  139. headache                             282  
  140. headband                             284  
  141. headdress                            286  
  142. headfirst                            288  
  143. heading                              289  
  144. headland                             290  
  145. headlight                            291  
  146. headline                             293  
  147. headlong                             295  
  148. headphone                            299  
  149. headquarters                         301  
  150. headrest                             303  
  151. headstone                            306  
  152. headstrong                           307  
  153. headwaters                           309  
  154. headway                              310  
  155. heal                                 312  
  156. health                               314  
  157. health food                          316  
  158. healthful                            317  
  159. healthy                              318  
  160. heap                                 320  
  161. hear                                 322  
  162. heard                                325  
  163. hearing                              327  
  164. hearing aid                          329  
  165. hearsay                              330  
  166. heart                                332  
  167. heartbeat                            336  
  168. heartbroken                          337  
  169. hearth                               338  
  170. hearty                               339  
  171. heat                                 341  
  172. heater                               344  
  173. heath                                346  
  174. heathen                              347  
  175. heather                              350  
  176. heave                                352  
  177. heaven                               354  
  178. heavenly                             356  
  179. heavily                              358  
  180. heavy                                359  
  181. Hebrew                               362  
  182. hectare                              364  
  183. hedge                                368  
  184. hedgehog                             371  
  185. heed                                 373  
  186. heel≤                                378  
  187. heelπ                                375  
  188. heifer                               380  
  189. height                               381  
  190. heighten                             384  
  191. Heimlich maneuver                    386  
  192. heir                                 388  
  193. heiress                              390  
  194. heirloom                             392  
  195. held                                 393  
  196. helicopter                           394  
  197. helium                               396  
  198. hell                                 398  
  199. hello                                402  
  200. helm                                 404  
  201. helmet                               406  
  202. help                                 408  
  203. helpful                              412  
  204. helping                              413  
  205. helping verb                         415  
  206. helpless                             416  
  207. hem                                  418  
  208. hemisphere                           421  
  209. hemlock                              424  
  210. hemp                                 426  
  211. hen                                  427  
  212. hence                                428  
  213. her                                  430  
  214. herb                                 432  
  215. herbivore                            434  
  216. herbivorous                          435  
  217. herd                                 436  
  218. here                                 438  
  219. hereafter                            441  
  220. hereby                               443  
  221. hereditary                           445  
  222. heredity                             447  
  223. hereís                               449  
  224. heritage                             450  
  225. hermit                               452  
  226. hero                                 454  
  227. heroic                               457  
  228. heroin                               459  
  229. heroine                              460  
  230. heron                                463  
  231. herring                              464  
  232. hers                                 466  
  233. herself                              467  
  234. hesitant                             471  
  235. hesitate                             473  
  236. hesitation                           475  
  237. hey                                  477  
  238. heíd                                 366  
  239. heíll                                400  
  240. heís                                 469  
  241. hi                                   479  
  242. hibernate                            482  
  243. hiccup                               485  
  244. hickory                              487  
  245. hid                                  489  
  246. hidden                               491  
  247. hide-and-seek                        495  
  248. hideous                              497  
  249. hideout                              498  
  250. hide≤                                494  
  251. hideπ                                492  
  252. hieroglyphic                         500  
  253. high                                 502  
  254. high jump                            508  
  255. high school                          515  
  256. high seas                            516  
  257. high tide                            518  
  258. high-rise                            514  
  259. high-strung                          517  
  260. highland                             509  
  261. highly                               510  
  262. Highness                             512  
  263. highway                              519  
  264. highwayman                           520  
  265. hijack                               521  
  266. hike                                 523  
  267. hilarious                            525  
  268. hill                                 526  
  269. hillside                             528  
  270. hilltop                              529  
  271. hilly                                530  
  272. hilt                                 531  
  273. him                                  532  
  274. himself                              534  
  275. hind                                 536  
  276. hinder                               537  
  277. hindrance                            539  
  278. Hinduism                             541  
  279. hinge                                543  
  280. hint                                 546  
  281. hip                                  548  
  282. hippopotamus                         550  
  283. hire                                 552  
  284. his                                  554  
  285. Hispanic                             556  
  286. hiss                                 965  
  287. historian                            558  
  288. historic                             560  
  289. historical                           562  
  290. history                              564  
  291. hit                                  566  
  292. hitch                                570  
  293. hitchhike                            573  
  294. hive                                 575  
  295. hives                                577  
  296. HIÅ                                  480  
  297. hoard                                578  
  298. hoarse                               580  
  299. hoax                                 582  
  300. hobble                               584  
  301. hobby                                587  
  302. hockey                               589  
  303. hoe                                  591  
  304. hog                                  593  
  305. hogan                                595  
  306. hoist                                597  
  307. holder                               610  
  308. holdup                               612  
  309. hold≤                                609  
  310. holdπ                                600  
  311. hole                                 614  
  312. holiday                              617  
  313. Holland                              620  
  314. hollow                               621  
  315. holly                                625  
  316. hollyhock                            627  
  317. holocaust                            629  
  318. holster                              632  
  319. holy                                 634  
  320. home                                 636  
  321. home plate                           647  
  322. home run                             652  
  323. homeland                             640  
  324. homeless                             642  
  325. homely                               643  
  326. homemade                             645  
  327. homer                                649  
  328. homeroom                             650  
  329. homesick                             653  
  330. homespun                             655  
  331. homestead                            656  
  332. homeward                             658  
  333. homework                             660  
  334. hominy                               661  
  335. homogenize                           663  
  336. homograph                            665  
  337. homonym                              667  
  338. homophone                            669  
  339. Honduras                             671  
  340. honest                               672  
  341. honesty                              674  
  342. honey                                675  
  343. honeybee                             677  
  344. honeycomb                            678  
  345. honeydew melon                       681  
  346. honeymoon                            682  
  347. honeysuckle                          684  
  348. Hong Kong                            685  
  349. honk                                 686  
  350. honor                                688  
  351. hood                                 692  
  352. hoodlum                              695  
  353. hoof                                 697  
  354. hook                                 699  
  355. hoop                                 703  
  356. hooray                               705  
  357. hoot                                 707  
  358. hooves                               709  
  359. hop                                  710  
  360. hope                                 713  
  361. hopeful                              716  
  362. hopeless                             718  
  363. hopper                               720  
  364. hopscotch                            722  
  365. horde                                724  
  366. horizon                              726  
  367. horizontal                           728  
  368. hormone                              730  
  369. horn                                 732  
  370. horned toad                          735  
  371. hornet                               736  
  372. horny                                737  
  373. horrible                             739  
  374. horrid                               741  
  375. horrify                              743  
  376. horror                               745  
  377. horse                                748  
  378. horseback                            751  
  379. horsefly                             753  
  380. horseman                             755  
  381. horseplay                            757  
  382. horsepower                           759  
  383. horseshoe                            761  
  384. horsewoman                           763  
  385. hose                                 765  
  386. hosiery                              768  
  387. hospitable                           769  
  388. hospital                             771  
  389. hospitality                          774  
  390. hospitalize                          776  
  391. hostage                              780  
  392. hostel                               782  
  393. hostess                              784  
  394. hostile                              786  
  395. hostility                            788  
  396. host≤                                779  
  397. hostπ                                778  
  398. hot                                  790  
  399. hot dog                              793  
  400. hot spring                           797  
  401. hotel                                794  
  402. hothouse                             795  
  403. hound                                798  
  404. hour                                 800  
  405. hourglass                            803  
  406. hourly                               805  
  407. house                                807  
  408. House of Commons                     819  
  409. House of Lords                       820  
  410. House of Rep. . .                    821  
  411. houseboat                            811  
  412. housefly                             812  
  413. household                            814  
  414. housekeeper                          817  
  415. houseplant                           822  
  416. housewife                            823  
  417. housework                            824  
  418. housing                              826  
  419. hover                                828  
  420. how                                  830  
  421. however                              833  
  422. howl                                 835  
  423. hr.                                  837  
  424. ht.                                  838  
  425. hub                                  839  
  426. huckleberry                          841  
  427. huddle                               843  
  428. hue                                  845  
  429. huff                                 846  
  430. hug                                  848  
  431. huge                                 851  
  432. hull                                 853  
  433. hum                                  855  
  434. human                                858  
  435. human being                          860  
  436. humane                               861  
  437. humanity                             863  
  438. humble                               865  
  439. humid                                868  
  440. humidity                             869  
  441. humiliate                            871  
  442. hummingbird                          873  
  443. humor                                875  
  444. humorous                             878  
  445. hump                                 880  
  446. humus                                881  
  447. hunch                                882  
  448. hundred                              884  
  449. hundredth                            885  
  450. hung                                 887  
  451. Hungary                              889  
  452. hunger                               890  
  453. hungry                               893  
  454. hunk                                 895  
  455. hunt                                 896  
  456. hunter                               899  
  457. hurdle                               901  
  458. hurl                                 904  
  459. hurrah                               906  
  460. hurricane                            908  
  461. hurried                              909  
  462. hurry                                911  
  463. hurt                                 914  
  464. husband                              917  
  465. hush                                 919  
  466. husk                                 922  
  467. husky≤                               926  
  468. huskyπ                               924  
  469. hustle                               928  
  470. hut                                  930  
  471. hutch                                932  
  472. hyacinth                             933  
  473. hybrid                               935  
  474. hydrant                              937  
  475. hydroelectric                        939  
  476. hydrogen                             941  
  477. hydrogen bomb                        943  
  478. hyena                                945  
  479. hygiene                              947  
  480. hygienist                            949  
  481. hymn                                 951  
  482. hymnal                               952  
  483. hyphen                               953  
  484. hyphenate                            955  
  485. hypnotize                            957  
  486. hypocrite                            959  
  487. hypotenuse                           961  
  488. hysterical                           963  